Feb 15, 2025  
2011-2012 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2011-2012 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life

Although the pursuit of knowledge is the primary purpose of higher education, the collegiate experience also involves the development of the whole person—spiritual, social, recreational, and physical.

The extracurricular experiences of the University include formal and informal indoor and outdoor recreation and organized group activities in which students learn to enjoy new and untried fields and develop the skills and competencies that they bring with them.

Informal recreation is enhanced by the natural location of the University with its on-campus outdoor facilities for golf, hiking, and nearby facilities for skiing and hunting. The friendly atmosphere of the John F. Kennedy Student Center, with its lounge, group meeting rooms, student publication offices, auditorium, food court, student offices, and bookstore, affords the University community an environment for educational growth through group discussions and personal dialogue.

Personal growth is also enhanced through social and recreational programs staged in the Kennedy Center by various University community organizations. Accessibility to several urban communities with cultural, dramatic, and sports events provides opportunities for occasional visits for more varied professional performances.

Student Government


The Student Government Association (SGA) is the primary representative body of the undergraduate population of the University.  The Senate is comprised of a diverse group of 35 senators that are elected or appointed by their peers.  SGA is the official vehicle for student opinion voiced to and from the University Community, advocating a broad range of student needs and interests within the University’s decision-making process.  SGA promotes leadership, service and community and allocates student activity funds to recognized clubs and organizations to help further these priorities.  Recent projects and initiatives include the Ice Skating Rink, the Lakeview Tubing Park, Red Flash DVDs, and establishing leadership scholarships for incoming freshmen and upperclassmen, to name a few.  Elections are held in November each year if a student wishes to run for a position, otherwise all Senate meetings are open to anyone.  To find out more, email sga@francis.edu


Intramural Sports


Intramural programs help to develop the total individual by affording students, especially those not interested in varsity competition, the opportunity to express themselves by engaging in athletic activities. The objectives of the intramural program are as follows: to help students realize the value of making wise use of their leisure time during recreation periods; to help students improve socially by engaging in activities with other students and to help students understand and appreciate different sports.

An Intramural Director, Coordinators and Supervisors conduct the programs. Intramurals are publicized in the student newspaper, on campus bulletin boards or via campus email. Facilities used for intramurals include the Maurice Stokes Athletics Center, the golf course and athletic fields. Awards are presented to intramural victors. Intramural offerings vary from year to year according to student preferences; the list provided below indicates the range of activities that have been offered to students. 



Men Women
Basketball Basketball
3-on-3 Basketball  
Cross Country  
3-on-3 Basketball  
Cross Country  
Racquetball Racquetball
Soccer Soccer
Softball Softball
Tennis Tennis
Volleyball Volleyball
Wallyball Wallyball
Floor Hockey Floor Hockey
7-Man Flag Football 7-Man Flag Football
Fitness Run (5K, 10K) through DiSepio Institute Swimming
Golf Volleyball
Kickball 3 Point Shooting



The relationship between physical fitness and intellectual development, between good health and success in studies, is an accepted educational principle at Saint Francis University. The University offers a variety of recreational activities that are unstructured and individualistic.  Students are encouraged to engage in activities during leisure time which will provide a healthy physical, mental, emotional, and social experience that can be continued throughout a lifetime.

The Maurice Stokes Athletics Center contains many facilities, including two racquetball courts, a swimming pool and a suspended track, as well as a weight room. Outdoor facilities include DeGol Field, several recreational areas and fields, and trails for jogging. In addition, the University maintains a nine-hole golf course where instruction is available from a resident professional.

Besides the spaces available at the Athletics Center, the Student Government Association has provided and maintains several other options as well. During the winter months there is an Ice Rink behind the JFK Student Center and the Lakeview Snow Tubing Park is open behind Christian Hall. In the warmer months, there is a basketball court behind Giles Hall, a Frisbee Golf Course that begins by Lake Saint Francis, a low-ropes course behind JFK, and various volleyball courts to enjoy.

The DiSepio Institute for Rural Health and Wellness Fitness Center includes exercise and teaching areas.  The exercise areas are a core strengthening and stretching area, a cardiovascular area with treadmills, upright and recumbent bicycle ergometers, elliptical units, an upper extremity ergometer, and a rowing unit, a strength training area with a circuit of exercise units for the upper and lower extremities, free-weights, and an aerobics studio that can also be adapted to accommodate a wide variety of other group activities, e.g., meditation, yoga, dance, etc.  

Intercollegiate Athletics

Varsity intercollegiate athletics offer an opportunity for students to participate in competitive sports. The University is a Division I member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference, the Northeast Conference, and the Eastern Intercollegiate Volleyball Association. Cheerleading and Pep Band are also offered The University supports a comprehensive Division I program for men and women in the following sports.

Men Coach Women Coach
Basketball Don Friday Basketball

Susan Robinson Fruchtl

Cross Country Gordon Thomson Bowling Tom Falbo
Football Chris Villarrial Cross Country Gordon Thomson
Golf Nick Wheeler Field Hockey Stacey Bean
Soccer Michael Casper Golf Chris Cascino
Tennis Paul Tobin Lacrosse Stephanie Marcon
Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field Gordon Thomson Soccer Brenda van Stralen
Volleyball Mike Rumbaugh Softball Sabrina Lane
    Swimming Patrick Gallagher
    Tennis Paul Tobin
    Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field Gordon Thomson
Scholarships are available in all sports. Volleyball Chuck Mullen

Fraternities and Sororities


The activities of the twelve fraternities and sororities associated with the University are coordinated by the Inter-Fraternity Council and the Inter-Sorority Council, which are directly responsible to the Center for Student Engagement & Leadership Development.

The philosophy governing Greek societies is that they exist to help implement the goals of Saint Francis University relative to developing the whole person through scholarship, leadership, and service.

Social Fraternities on campus include:
           Alpha Phi Delta (National Fraternity for Men ) – Beta Lambda Chapter (re-established 2008)
           Phi Kappa Theta (National Fraternity for Men) – Pennsylvania Tau Chapter (re-established 2007)
           Psi Upsilon (International Fraternity for Men ) – Sigma Phi Chapter (established 2005)
           Sigma Chi (International Fraternity for Men) – Psi Colony (established 2011)
           Tau Kappa Epsilon (International Fraternity for Men) – Delta Phi Chapter (re-established 2005)

Social Sororities on campus include:
          Delta Phi Epsilon (International Sorority for Women) – Alpha Sigma Chapter (established 1991)
          Omega Zeta Nu (Local Sorority for Women; established 2005)
          Phi Delta Kappa (Local Sorority for Women; established 1977)
          Phi Lambda Psi (Local Sorority for Women; re-established 2008)
          Theta Phi Alpha (National Sorority for Women) – Beta Theta Chapter (re-established 2010)

Greek Service Organizations on campus include:
          Alpha Phi Omega (National Co-Ed Service Fraternity) – Upsilon Beta Chapter (re-established 2010)
          Gamma Sigma Sigma (National Service Sorority) – Gamma Phi Chapter (established 1972)

Student Led Clubs and Organizations


Students have the unique opportunity to create campus life each year. Students shape their experiences by joining the assortment of clubs and organizations Saint Francis offers and by creating new clubs. Clubs and organizations are divided into themes that make it possible for everyone to find a niche or delve into new opportunities. For a complete listing of clubs, visit http://www.francis.edu/StudentClubs.htm.

Membership in campus organizations is optional, but highly encouraged, as it gives students a chance to develop and fine tune skills that are necessary for a successful professional career. Every year, each class elects officers to represent them throughout the year and organize events that are geared toward encouraging class unity, campus community, school pride and “making memories.”

The Student Activities Organization (SAO) is responsible for planning, creating and executing large events on campus such as Homecoming, Winter Weekend, Family Weekend, Springfest and also planning dances and concerts. SAO also arranges trips throughout the year to different cities for concerts, plays or museum visits. To get involved, visit the SAO office in the lower level of JFK across from the University Bookstore.


Campus Ministry Department

Building Christian Life and Community Service

The college years are a time not only for intellectual growth but also a time for development in social awareness and spiritual discovery. Saint Francis University recognizes this important facet of education as a part of its Catholic and Franciscan heritage, and the University continually strives to preserve and build upon the spiritual ideals of the founders.

Staffed by a team of Franciscan friars and lay ministers the Campus Ministry Department envisions its mission as forming a faith community of worship; assisting the University community in becoming instruments of Christ’s peace as exemplified by St. Francis of Assisi; cooperating with the entire community to educate and activate people toward peace and justice in the world; responding to the spiritual and pastoral needs of the University community, and identifying and promoting the use of each person’s unique gifts and talents in the service of society and the Church.

Campus Ministry Department: Worship and Pastoral Care

Our liturgical life, centered on the Eucharist, invites and encourages students of all faiths to participate in Mass and in the various other ministries and worship services offered by the Campus Ministry Department. One of these opportunities is the liturgical ministries program which includes lectors, choir members, sacristans, instrumentalists, greeters, and servers. Catholics who have been fully initiated into the Church, having received the Sacrament of Confirmation, may also apply to be Special Ministers of the Eucharist. Other areas of involvement include retreats, continuing religious formation and education, Bible study, prayer/discussion groups, mission trips, hospitality events, and a host of other activities. The Campus Ministry team has a pastoral presence in the residence halls, with Student Government, Student Activities, with the Greek organizations, and with the Athletic program.

Mission Effectiveness and Integration


The Division of Mission Effectiveness and Integration is to promote the Catholic, Christian, and Franciscan values at Saint Francis University. The overall purpose is to work with students, faculty, staff, and administration so as to have these values operative and strong in all areas of the University. This entails collaborating with the various divisions and departments of the institution, both by offering programs to them and looking for ways to support their work with the above values.

In specific ways the personnel of the division offer programming in Franciscan history, spirituality, and values. While rooted in and faithful to the Catholic Church and her teaching and tradition, programs and services are offered to those from other Christian Churches as well as general ecumenical events being held, and also inter-faith meetings and events are sponsored. The division provides teaching and collaboration regarding service work of the University, classifying and strengthening the Christian Culture at Saint Francis, and leading and fostering the works of mercy and justice. It also works in a pastoral and discerning way with the Campus Ministry Department.

The Mission Division currently has two units which carry out specific works of the division. The Institute for Contemporary Franciscan Life offers an opportunity to learn more about Catholic Franciscan values while taking classes from home. The Mission Division collaborates with the Academic Division to promote Franciscan Values in Academics. The Department of Ecumenical and Interfaith Ministry serves students from other Christian Churches and other World Religions.


The Department of Ecumenical and Interfaith Ministry

Strengthening the Christian Culture based on Franciscan Values


Christian Culture involves ways of thinking and deciding, of loving and relating, both within and beyond a particular community. It embraces work and play, activity and leisure, what we do and what we say. It affects art and science, business and industry, health and education, drama and athletics, and more. At Saint Francis University, culture affects everything and is certainly connected to our religious practices; how we treat one another and all those who come on campus.

The establishment of this department supports the institutional diversity initiative. With an approximately 40% non-Catholic population on campus, the department, complimenting the department of Campus Ministry, strives to offer programming to meet the needs of all Christians, and those non-Christians as well. With increased emphasis on attracting international students, the department takes on an even greater significance.


Ecumenical: Worship, Pastoral Care, and Programming

Students, staff, and faculty of all faiths participate in the many activities of the department. Liturgical worship includes daily prayer led by students. Retreat Planning, and Bible Study are student driven, with many activities taking place in the Agape All-Christian Chapel. Activities include the Tuesday Evening Food and Fellowship gathering, workshops, discussion groups and prayer luncheons, plus a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and an Interfaith Awareness Week. Programming in the campus Spiritual Wellness Center, located in the DiSepio Institute for Rural Health and Wellness, is generated by the department that includes a meditation room and an outdoor Labyrinth. Spiritual Center programming includes the spiritual practices of silence and solitude, meditation, and prayer workshops.

Dorothy Day Center: Social Outreach and Volunteer Service

The Dorothy Day Center is the social outreach arm of Saint Francis University. The mission of the Center is two-fold. One goal is to educate the University students in issues of social concern and justice and to involve them in volunteer service through an array of programs on campus and in the local communities. The second goal is to offer assistance to the economically, socially, and mentally needy of local communities and institutions. 

Assistance is offered in various ways that include, but are not limited to: emergency financial rent, utility, heating fuel assistance, food, clothing, furniture, basic household items, and personal hygiene products.   A volunteer service at the Center that reaches out to small children is the S.M.I.L.E. program, in which students and children interact in group-related sports activities. Plus-1 is another program that includes one-on-one activity with volunteers who are paired with a child for field trips, crafts, and group-related activities. Adult-based volunteer programs include: The Adopt-a-Grandparent program whose volunteers visit the elderly at the John Paul II Manor-an assisted living home, and the V.I.T.A. program, preparing and e-filing simple tax returns for income-eligible individuals.

In these times of reduced budgets and lessening government funding, volunteerism is becoming increasingly important to assist the poor and disenfranchised. Saint Francis University tries to help students understand their responsibility for service to society. The Dorothy Day Center is one major expression of Saint Francis University students’ education and preparation for entrance into the world of Church and society.  



Students at Saint Francis University have a unique opportunity to shape their college experiences.  Although the choice to attend college is a big decision, an equally big decision is to participate in it.  Saint Francis University offers opportunities for social engagement and skill development at an unprecedented level.  Students have graduated Saint Francis with a sense of accomplishment and self-fulfillment in more areas than just the academic arena.  We encourage you to seek out the many pathways to self-fulfillment or to create new ones to leave behind for generations to come.

Voices of Saint Francis


The voice of the Saint Francis student-body is best expressed by some of our student organizations: the Troubadour (University newspaper); the Bell Tower, the University yearbook; and RED Radio, the University’s own web-streaming talk/music station. Of course, the most powerful and influential voice is that of the Student Government Association, or SGA (see the section about Student Government). Each is produced by students with the guidance of the Center for Student Engagement & Leadership Development along with a faculty/staff advisor.


Honoring outstanding scholastic achievement has been a tradition at Saint Francis University. Recognition for high academic attainment is given by the University through membership in the Saint Francis University Honor Society, publication of the semester Dean’s List, recognition at the annual academic awards convocation, departmental honors received at graduation, and awarding of degrees at graduation. Qualified students are also admitted to national scholastic honor societies, including several belonging to the Association of University Honor Societies (ACHS):

ALPHA DELTA MU: An honor society for students in social work, it recognizes upperclass students for academic excellence in their general and major field of studies.

ALPHA KAPPA DELTA: An honor society for students in sociology, it recognizes upperclass students for academic excellence in their general and major field of studies. Member of ACHS.

ALPHA SIGMA LAMBDA: A national honor society for adult students in continuing higher education. An association for students who have demonstrated academic excellence as well as community service. Membership is by invitation only and is based on academic standing, number of residency credits and service to others.

BETA BETA BETA: Recognizes upperclass students in the life sciences for outstanding academic achievement in their major field. The society strongly encourages and supports undergraduate research.

DELTA EPSILON SIGMA: Its purpose is to honor graduates of Catholic colleges throughout the country for their eminent scholastic achievements. Member of ACHS.

GAMMA SIGMA ALPHA: A national honor society for members of the Greek Life community, its purpose is to honor students who have achieved a 3.5 cumulative average by their Junior or Senior year.
GAMMA SIGMA EPSILON: Gamma Sigma Epsilon is a national chemistry honor society founded in 1919 at Davidson College. The society recognizes and encourages excellence in chemistry by maintaining high academic achievement standards
KAPPA DELTA PI: An international honor society dedicated to scholarship and excellence in education. Membership in this organization promotes the educational ideals of humanity, science, service, and toil.

KAPPA MU EPSILON: An honor society for students in mathematics, it recognizes students for academic excellence in their general studies as well. Member of ACHS. The Pennsylvania Mu Chapter of KME was installed at Saint Francis College on September 14, 1979.

ORDER OF OMEGA: A national honor society for members of the Greek Life community, its purpose is to honor those students who have contributed a great degree of leadership to the Greek Life community and general campus community.
PI ALPHA: A national PA honor society organized for the promotion and recognition of both PA students and graduates. Membership signifies the inductees’ significant academic achievement and honors them for their leadership, research, community/professional service, and other related activities. The society also encourages a high standard of character and conduct among students and graduates.

PHI ALPHA THETA: An honor society in history. Member of ACHS.

PHI SIGMA IOTA: Recognizes students for academic excellence in foreign languages, literatures, and cultures. Member of ACHS.

PI SIGMA ALPHA: An honor society in political science.

PI THETA EPSILON: To recognize and encourage scholastic excellence in occupational therapy students.

PSI CHI: The International Psychology Honor Society. This society recognizes student academic achievement and works to maintain an environment that encourages research and the advancement of the science of psychology.

SIGMA BETA DELTA: An honor society established for students in business, it recognizes upperclass students for outstanding academic achievements in their general and major field of study.

SIGMA TAU DELTA: A national English honor society.

SIGMA THETA TAU: A national honor society for nurses.

THETA ALPHA KAPPA: A national honor society in theology/religious studies, its purpose is to honor students in their general and major fields for both academic excellence and service to the community. Member of ACHS.

ZETA CHI: A national nursing honor society.

Counseling Center

The Counseling Center, located in Saint Francis Hall, provides confidential therapeutic services to all full-time students, including individual, marital, and group counseling. Counseling is provided by licensed professional counselors. Students in need of services are encouraged to call for an appointment during regular office hours. The Center is staffed one evening per week, and weekend appointments are available upon request.

Programming on relevant psychosocial and developmental issues is provided and sponsored by the Center throughout the year. Topics include stress management and relaxation training, sexuality, eating disorders, dating, substance abuse and family issues. The Center staff can also assist students with information about local community resources. Resource information on mental health issues, chemical dependency and health and wellness is available at the Center and is provided to students upon request.

Resident students who desire to speak with a counselor after regular hours should contact the Resident Assistant on duty; commuter students should contact the Office of Safety and Security. To schedule an appointment, please call 814-472-3211.

New Student Orientation

The Saint Francis University New Student Orientation program assists first-year students in their transition to college life and specifically to the Saint Francis University community. It focuses on helping students learn about all aspects of the University and the environment in which the University community members live and study.

During their first few days on campus, all first-year students will participate in an intensive four-day program that introduces them to the various offerings and services of the University. New Student Orientation provides incoming students with opportunities for social interaction, an introduction to University personnel and services, interactive group discussions, and opportunities to learn about the many extra/co-curricular programs and leadership development opportunities. The New Student Orientation program addresses the concerns of resident, transfer, commuter, and non-traditional students, and is coordinated by the Center for Student Engagement & Leadership Development.


Office of Career Services

Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm; Evening hours by appointment

The Office of Career Services, located in Raymond Hall, is designed to provide a wide range of services to assist students and alumni with job searching and career planning. The office strives to teach each student to explore and set career goals and to continue on the correct path in searching for a job. Assistance with securing full-time employment which is related to the candidate’s interests and goals is a major function of the office. The office also seeks alternative and creative methods of job search assistance by collaborating with various groups both on and off campus.

To launch students into their lifelong career planning, the Office of Career Services offers the following:

  1. Job search assistance;
  2. Job search training;
  3. Graduate/professional school assistance;
  4. Career and educational testing and advising, including career counseling.
Job Search Assistance

Utilizing several services, students can receive assistance finding full-time employment, part-time employment or summer jobs. Specifically, students can take advantage of the following services:

  1. On-campus interviews with employers conducting one-on-one interviews;
  2. On and off campus job/career fairs, which allow students to explore career and job opportunities;
  3. Free resume referral service connecting students with employers;
  4. An up-to-date Career Resource Library, which students can use for career research;
  5. Evening hours for students not able to meet with staff members during regular office hours.
  6. Web-based job posting and career information sites: www.francis.edu/career and www.collegecentral.com/stfrancis
  7. Job search guides and other key resources.
Job Search Training

Through individual appointments and group seminars, the Career Services staff trains students in all the skills (resumes, interviewing strategies, etc) needed to secure summer jobs, part-time employment, internships, or permanent professional positions. The majority of Career Services’ job search training workshops are integrated into the academic curriculum, delivered as part of junior and senior level seminar courses. This enables staff to adjust the content of training seminars to meet the specific needs of different majors.

Graduate/Professional School Assistance

For those students and alumni who choose to further their education, Career Services offers many sources of assistance, such as The Peterson’s Guides to Graduate Study, testing resources and seminars and publications on the graduate school application process and experience.

The Office of Career Services has an ongoing goal that guides its operation: to help individuals discover where they are currently in their career development, to provide them with skills and resources to move forward in their development, and to empower them with strategies for lifelong career planning.

Career and Educational Testing and Advising

Aimed mostly at freshmen and sophomore students, career and educational advising provides both individual and group assistance to students who are trying to choose a major, change a major, and/or establish a career direction. Through interest inventories and personality assessments, students are able to start or further explore their career goals and objectives.

Finally, the Office of Career Services consistently looks for new ways to improve services offered to Saint Francis University students. This is accomplished through developing student learning based-goals, evaluating services, keeping current on emerging technologies, improving career advising methods, and remaining up-to-date in the ever-changing demographics of college students, job markets, and careers.

Student Health Center

Monday – Friday 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM x3008
Wednesdays until 7:30 PM DiSepio Institute
Closed for lunch 12:00 – 12:30 PM daily

The Student Health Center is located in the DiSepio Institute. The Health Center is open Monday through Friday 8:30 AM until 4:00 PM and on Wednesday evenings until 7:30 PM. Visits are by appointment. Walk-in appointments will be accommodated when possible.

The Student Health Center is staffed by a team of health professionals that includes a physician, physician assistant, and a registered nurse. All students are required to submit a completed health form (provided to students upon acceptance to the University) before treatment may be received.

Services: Services available to students include evaluation and treatment of acute medical conditions, allergy injections and immunizations, physical exams, travel consultations, blood draws, and urine drug screens. Referral to community resources will be made for students on an as-needed basis.

After-Hours Medical Care: If a student becomes ill during the evening or weekend hours, he/she may visit the Conemaugh MedWell site in Ebensburg for urgent care. If emergency care is needed, the student should go to the Emergency room, or call 911.

Office of Drug and Alcohol Services

The University recognizes that alcohol and drug abuse is a serious issue and one that affects the social, emotional and educational development of many college students across the nation. The Office of Drug and Alcohol Services is a comprehensive, institution-wide drug prevention program that attempts to address this issue with an aggressive, proactive and collaborative effort. We include education, prevention, treatment and alternative activities. Our program involves and is supported by students, faculty and staff.

The Office is located in the Counseling Center in Saint Francis Hall. A Certified Addictions Counselor (CAC) is available for consultation and counseling. Students who have personal concerns with substance abuse or addiction are encouraged to contact the Office for an appointment. All clinical services will be confidential. With the aid of videos and discussion groups, counselors are available to conduct educational programs which promote knowledge and awareness of alcohol and drug issues. Students are encouraged to question, challenge, reflect and/or share insights.

The Office staff can also provide a link for students, staff and faculty to community drug education experts. Students interested in hosting a program in a residence hall, Greek house, or classrooms are urged to contact the Office. For students pursuing research projects on drug and alcohol issues, the Office of Drug and Alcohol Services maintains a library of resource materials including books, pamphlets and videos.

To schedule an appointment, please call 814-472-3211 during business hours.

Office of Multicultural Affairs

It is the desire of Saint Francis University to create a campus community characterized by equal access and respected participation for all groups and individuals irrespective of cultural differences. A campus community where the many characteristics possessed by persons are not simply tolerated but valued; an engaged community that not only prepares students for life at the University, but prepares students to be participants in a global community. The Office of Multicultural Affairs strives to promote cultural awareness and crosscultural understanding on campus and in surrounding communities. The Office of Multicultural Affairs, located at 232 Padua Hall, is directly supervised by the Associate Dean for Students.

The Office of Multicultural Affairs is committed to assisting students in educational, cultural and developmental growth in order to promote the students’ overall success. The community’s understanding of Saint Francis University’s diversity initiatives emerges from a variety of sources and messages. Some of these understandings are generated through informal dialogue among students, faculty, staff, and administrators and, also information in public media. Such dialogue takes place in classrooms, offices, residence halls, and in out-of-class educational programs.

The Office works to coordinate the campus community’s multicultural dialogue, and to give voice to students of color in their adjustment socially, academically, and psychologically to life at Saint Francis University, so they in turn will affect life at Saint Francis University.

For additional information or questions, contact: Lynne Banks, associate dean of students, 232 Padua Hall, or phone 814-472-3352.

Office of Judicial Affairs

The Office of Judicial Affairs enhances the Saint Francis University Community by celebrating the community values of the institution while respecting the rights of the individual. The office will facilitate the social, ethical, and intellectual development of all students by maintaining a student judicial system and programs that foster intellectual development, student engagement, social justice, self understanding and responsible leadership.
The goals of the Judicial Affairs process are to:
1. Promote a campus environment that supports the overall educational mission of the University.
2. Protect the University community from disruption and harm.
3. Encourage appropriate standards of individual and group behavior.
4. Assist students in understanding and navigating university policies, procedures and protocols.
5. Support ethical values and civic virtues.
6. Support personal learning and growth while at the same time holding individuals and groups accountable to the standards of expectations established by the University’s Statement of Conduct.
The Office of Judicial Affairs mission is to:
1. Develop, disseminate, interpret, and enforce campus rules and regulations.
2. Design educational opportunities allow students to use critical thinking skills to determine appropriate behaviors and the consequences for unacceptable and/or inappropriate behaviors.
3. Intervene effectively when behavior violates the University’s Statement of Conduct.

For additional information, please contact: Lynne Banks, associate dean for students, 232 Padua Hall, or phone 814-472-3352.