Feb 12, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Honors Program

Department Contact:

Director : Dr. Irene M. Wolf
Associate Director: Dr. Arthur Remillard

Program Description:

The Honors Program at Saint Francis is a full four-year curriculum designed to challenge ambitious and curious students from all disciplines. While pursuing their major field of study, students enroll in Honors courses, which allow in-depth, creative study of a variety of subject areas culminating in a research thesis.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Students are introduced to the Honors Program through a year-long learning community experience consisting of a four-course sequence with intense critical thinking, writing and speaking components. Franciscan ideal of concern for others above self, service-learning and leadership activities are built into all upper-level honors seminars. An original research project is the program’s capstone requirement.

Admission Requirements:

Any student wishing to be part of the honors program must submit an honors program application with an accompanying portfolio. Current students may also apply within their first year and must include a recommendation from an instructor.

Entering Freshmen
  • upper one-fifth high school class rank 
  • 3.25 quality point average (cumulative) 
  • extracurricular activities 
  • faculty/guidance counselor recommendations
  • interview with Honors Program Director (or designate) and current honors students

Students deficient in one or more areas may be admitted to the program at the discretion of the Honors Program director.

Current Students

Students beyond their first semester at Saint Francis who wish to enroll in the Honors Program may petition the director for admission if the following criteria are met:

  • 3.25 quality point average (cumulative) 
  • two letters of recommendation from Saint Francis faculty who have taught the student
  • interview with Honors Program director
Transfer Students

Transfer students who defer their application for one semester or more may apply in accordance with the criteria for “Current Students” (directly above). Those who apply immediately will follow the criteria below:

  • 3.25 quality point average (cumulative) from the transfer institution(s)
  • two letters of recommendation from faculty who have taught the student at previous institution(s) or are enrolled in an honors program at their current institution
  • interview with Honors Program director
  • all requirements for “Entering Freshmen” listed above.

Progression and/or Retention Criteria:

Enroll in at least one honors course each year and maintain a 3.2 GPA.

Senior Honors Thesis/Project:

  • Thesis/project is awarded a letter grade. The grade is determined by your thesis mentor.
  • You must earn at least a “C” on the thesis/project in order to earn the Honors diploma.
  • Thesis/project is directed by a mentor and two readers. The mentor and the readers usually are faculty or staff members of the University. At least one of the readers must come from a discipline outside the one under study. In other words, if your thesis is being done in psychology, you may choose your mentor and one of your readers from psychology, but the second reader must represent another discipline (e.g., English, philosophy, history, etc.). The mentor determines the final grade for the thesis.

Graduation Requirements:

A candidate for graduation must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Complete all requirements for an approved program of study;
  • To receive the Honors diploma:
    • you must have achieved at least a 3.25 (cumulative) GPA
    • you must have completed the following courses:
      • HNRS 101
      • WRIT 102H
      • Two other Honors core courses
      • HNRS 2XX Seminar
      • HNRS 331 Directed Readings
      • HNRS 335 Thesis Prep
      • HNRS 444 Senior thesis/project
  • Complete the minimum number of credits (128 for a bachelor’s degree; 64 for an associate’s degree);
  • Repeat for an acceptable passing grade any course required for the major in which the grade of “F” has been received;
  • Complete the last 30 credits for the degree at SFU;
  • Achieve a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or better in all major or collateral requirements;
  • Satisfy the requirements of the General Education core curriculum;
  • Satisfy the capstone requirement as specified by the major department(s);
  • Submit a completed Application for Degree form at least one semester prior to graduation date; and
  • Satisfy financial obligations to the University.

Capstone Requirement:

Senior Honors Thesis/Project General Information:

  • Thesis/Project is awarded a letter grade. The grade is determined by your thesis mentor.
  • You must earn at least a “C” on the thesis/project in order to earn the Honors diploma.
  • Thesis/Project is directed by a mentor and two readers. The mentor and the readers usually are faculty or staff members of the university. At least one of the readers must come from a discipline outside the one under study. In other words, if your thesis is being done in psychology, you may choose your mentor and one of your readers from psychology, but the second reader must represent another discipline (e.g., English, philosophy, history, etc.).
