Feb 12, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Chair: Dr. Marian Langer

The study of the realm of living things is an essential part of any liberal arts education. The goal of this department is to present the life sciences in a manner that stresses the fundamentals of biology with particular emphasis on the important principles which unite the different divisions of biology with one another and with other disciplines such as the humanities, the social sciences and, in particular, with the physical sciences of physics and chemistry.

Moreover, courses are designed to cover all the important phases of modern biology in order to offer students a complete back ground in this science and to prepare them best for their future work, whether it be in graduate study and research, teaching, medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, optometry, podiatry, medical technology, physical therapy, public health, forestry, agriculture, conservation, or other related occupations.

In addition to formal coursework, all majors are encouraged to become active members of the Biology Club, Environmental Awareness Society, Scuba Club and the Beta Beta Beta biology honor society, and to apply for summer internships, engage in a depart mentally-supervised research project, and participate as laboratory assistants.

See also Biochemistry, Environmental Science, Forestry and Environmental Management, Marine Biology, Medical Technology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Podiatric Science, Pre-Pharmacy, and Pre-Professional.

Biology, B.A.

The Biology, B.A. degree provides broad training in the biological sciences, and requires students to broaden their education via a minor, second major, or pre-law concentration. The program provides training across all major fields of the biological sciences, including molecular and cellular biology, organismal biology, ecology, and evolution. The requirements include a core curriculum common to all biology majors, as well as electives that are selected from clusters that represent major levels of analysis within the biological sciences. Students enrolled in this degree who are interested in graduate or professional school may need to complete additional chemistry and physics coursework beyond what is required for this degree, and should consider completing the “Biology, B.S.”, or one of the Biology, B.S. concentrations instead of the B.A.

Biology, B.S.

The Biology, B.S. degree provides training to students across all major fields of the biological sciences, including molecular and cellular biology, organismal biology, ecology, and evolution. The requirements include a core curriculum common to all biology majors, as well as electives that are selected from clusters that represent major levels of analysis within the biological sciences. This program provides considerable flexibility to help students prepare for a variety of career paths in the biological sciences.

Concentrations in Biology, B.S. include:

Biology, B.S. (Biochemistry Concentration)

Chair: Dr. Marian Langer
Program Coordinator: Dr. John Trimble

The Biology, B.S., Biochemistry Concentration is designed to pursue studies in the hybrid field of biochemistry. Students in this concentration will earn a biology degree and a minor in chemistry. It allows students to tailor their career directions during their junior and senior years by selecting biology courses of interest combined with undergraduate research. It is a concentration that prepares students for post-graduate study or for employment in research laboratories, in forensic laboratories, in the biomedical and biotechnology fields and in pharmaceutical research.

Biology, B.S. (Environmental Science Concentration)

Chair: Dr. Marian Langer
Program Coordinator: Dr. Lane Loya

The Biology, B.S., Environmental Science Concentration has been designed for those students highly interested in the environmental side of biology. Students have the opportunity to complete specialized courses related to the environment such as Ecology, Field Biology, Freshwater Aquatics, and Conservation Biology, while still maintaining a solid foundation in the traditional Biological Sciences. This concentration prepares students for both jobs and graduate school in a wide variety of environmental-related fields such as wildlife biology, entomology, resource conservation, environmental law, and environmental education. Students in this program also have the opportunity to do ecological research with faculty and to participate in our Immersion Semester program at the Raystown Field Station.

Biology, B.S. (Marine Biology Concentration)

Chair: Dr. Marian Langer
Program Coordinator: Dr. Sue Morra

The Biology, B.S., Marine Biology Concentration is designed to meet the needs of students wishing to work or continue their studies in a wide array of marine biological careers. Students will focus their studies on completing a wide exploration of marine biology their first two years and then specialize their studies the last two years to prepare for careers as field biologists, coral reef ecologists, fisheries biologists, aquaculturists, etc. or to continue their studies in graduate level programs. Students will build skills in completing marine biological studies throughout the program.

Biology, B.S. (Molecular Biology Concentration)

Chair: Dr. Marian Langer
Program Coordinator: Dr. Sue Reimer

The Biology, B.S., Molecular Biology Concentration is designed with both rigor and flexibility, in order to reflect the many different employment pathways open to molecular biologists. Fields such as cell biology, immunology, developmental biology, genetics and the exploding field of bioinformatics offer opportunities for graduates with a solid understanding of the inner workings of the cell. This concentration also allows students the option of combining computer skills with their knowledge of biology.

Biology, B.S. (Podiatric Science Concentration)

Chair: Dr. Marian Langer
Program Coordinator: Dr. Lane Loya

Podiatrists are doctors restricted in their practice to care and treatment of the feet and lower extremities. By agreement with the Pennsylvania University of Podiatric Medicine, qualified students may shorten their normal eight-year program in podiatry to seven years by admission to the Pennsylvania University of Podiatric Medicine after only three years at Saint Francis University. Students majoring in Biology, B.S., Podiatric Science Concentration receive their Bachelor of Science degree from Saint Francis University after successful completion of their first year at the Pennsylvania University of Podiatric Medicine.

Biology, B.S. (Pre-Professional Concentration)

(Pre-Dental, Pre-Medical, Pre-Optometry, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-Veterinary, Pre-Chiropractic)

Other Exciting Special Degree Options also available to those interested in Biology: See Pre-Professional Studies for specifics.

“3+4” Accelerated Program in Primary Care
        Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
“3+3” (B.S./PHARM.D.) Program in Pharmacy
        Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
“2+3” Accelerated Program in PHARMAC
        Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
“3+4” Accelerated Program Leading to Baccalaureate and Doctor of Dental Medicine Degrees
        Temple University School of Dentistry
“3+4” Accelerated Program in Optometry
         Pennsylvania College of Optometry

Biology, B.S. (Secondary Education Concentration)

The Biology, B.S., Secondary Education Concentration provides students with an in-depth, well-rounded biology education that will allow them to master the content needed to teach science in secondary education. Furthermore, students will take a full slate of education courses, and work in tandem with an advisor in the education department, to develop the teaching skills needed to communicate these concepts effectively. Students in this program complete their undergraduate coursework in seven semesters, and then spend their final semester doing student teaching for an area school.

Aquarium and Zoo Science

Chair: Dr. Marian Langer
Program Coordinator: Dr. Sue Morra

The Aquarium and Zoo Science, B.A. degree is specifically built to prepared students for careers in aquariums and zoos upon completion. The students will complete a broad survey of biology the first year and then build upon this by completing courses in animal care, animal nutrition, vertebrate zoology, invertebrate zoology, microbiology, genetics, and marine biology. Skills will be developed by students while completing their animal care practicum and internships along with laboratory exercises. Students will have the opportunity to develop presentation skills both in front of and inside a large aquarium, presenting information to school children and visitors to the biology department.

Forestry and Environmental Management

Chair: Dr. Marian Langer
Program Coordinator: Dr. Lane Loya

The Nichols School of the Environment and Earth Services at Duke University 3-2 cooperative program is a highly-competitive alternative available to Saint Francis University environmental concentration students. The program is designed to save the qualified student time and money, and to enable the student to proceed on to more specialized study following the junior year. While Saint Francis students are eligible to apply for admission to Duke after three years of study, there is no guarantee of admission to Duke.

Students interested in admission to Duke should complete their applications by February 1 of their junior year. The application includes an application form, letters of recommendation, transcripts, GRE scores, financial aid  forms, an application fee, and a statement from Saint Francis releasing the students from their senior year at Saint Francis University. The acceptance rate to The Nichols School of the Environment and Earth Sciences varies from program to program. The average Q.P.A. of accepted applicants is 3.4. They recommend GRE scores above the following: 600 verbal, 650 quantitative, and 5.5 in analytical writing.

After one year of graduate work, students in the 3-2 program will receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Saint Francis University, assuming the students have followed the undergraduate course of study.  Students are then accepted into one of two professional Master degree programs: Master of Forestry or Master of Environmental Management. Students choose a program of study in one of the following areas: (1)  Coastal Environmental Management, (2) Environmental Economics and Policy, (3) Environmental Health and Security, (4) Forest Resource Management, (5) Global Environmental Change, (6) Conservation Science and  Policy, (7) Ecosystem Science and Management, and (8) Water and Air Resources. Please note that these are professional degrees, not Masters of Science or Doctoral degrees.

Other Saint Francis students may prefer to complete the baccalaureate degree before undertaking graduate study at Duke. The master’s degree requirements for these graduates are the same as those for students entering Duke after three years.

By means of these programs, Saint Francis University and Duke University join in cooperation to the advantage of both institutions and of the students involved. The entire program provides a unique combination of liberal and professional education well suited for those desiring to enter the field of natural resources and the environment.

General Science

General Science Secondary Concentration is not a designated undergraduate major at Saint Francis University. Therefore, students who take advantage of the opportunity to gain this certification are normally enrolling or returning in order to secure a second teaching certificate which will complement their first specific science area certificate.

Students pursuing General Science certificates attain approval from the Education Department Chair who works in cooperation with the Biology Department Chair. Students receive content area advisement through the Biology Department and professional preparation advisement from advisors in the Education Department.

Since students seeking General Science certification already hold certificates, their program requirements are developed through advisement on a case-by-case basis.

Medical Technology/ Medical Laboratory Science

Chair: Dr. Marian Langer

Qualified students will transfer for their senior year to a hospital with a CAHEA-accredited School of Medical Technology for 12 consecutive months. There the student, under the supervision of the pathologist, will study various subjects such as Clinical Chemistry, Immunohematology and Blood Banking, Bacteriology, Parasitology, Immunoserology and Urinalysis, totaling 32 transferable credits. Grades earned during the clinical year will be included in the final quality point average.

Upon satisfactory completion of the prescribed hospital course, the student will receive the Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology, conferred by the University.


Memorial Medical Center
   Conemaugh School of Medical Technology
   Theresa McCreary, MS, MT (ASCP) SH

Thomas Jefferson University
   Shirley E. Greening, MS, JD, CFIAC, Adjunct
   Dr. Ann Albers, MT (ASCP), Adjunct

UPMC Altoona School of Medical Technology
   Americo B. Anton, M.D., Medical Director, Adjunct
   Joseph R. Noel, MT (ASCP), Program Director, Adjunct

Women’s Christian Association Hospital, Jamestown, NY
   William A. Geary, M.D., Ph.D. Medical Director, Adjunct
   Michele G. Harms, MS, MT(ASCP), Program Director, Adjunct