Department Contact:
Chair: Dr. Michele Hargittai,, 814-472-2775
Coordinator: Dr. Ashley M. Smith-Diemler,, 814-472-2709
Program Description:
Nanoscience is the study of nanoscale materials, or extremely small things. Their high surface area to volume ratio means that these materials demonstrate interesting and useful properties that deviate from those observed in their bulk or molecular counterparts. These materials have proven and proposed uses across medical, environmental, industrial, energy, and many other fields.
The SFU Nanotechnology program is designed for students to explore this interdisciplinary field from a chemical perspective. Chemistry, which studies matter starting at the atomic scale and then with increasing size and complexity, inherently covers nanomaterials. Students in this program will gain an appreciation for critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, teamwork, and communication while studying the central science. They will also learn how to use modern laboratory techniques and instrumentation. Completion of this concentration will strongly prepare students to work in industry, with governmental agencies, or to further study in graduate school.
Students taking the Nanotechnology Concentration will complete one semester on the Penn State campus through the PA Nanofabrication Manufacturing Technology (NMT) Partnership. To enhance flexibility, this experience can be undertaken any time after the student has completed their first year of study. Through this capstone experience, students will complete six Nanotechnology courses designed to allow them to gain a hands-on experience with nanofabrication manufacturing technology. During this off-campus semester, students are considered SFU students for enrollment verification, financial aid, and other standard reporting and accounting purposes. Students pay the tuition for the Capstone Semester (18 credits) to SFU according to its current published tuition and fee schedule, but students are also responsible for applicable PSU fees and securing housing in the Penn State area.
Accreditation Statement:
The Saint Francis University Chemistry program has been approved by the American Chemical Society to offer ACS certified degrees. ACS may be contacted at 1155 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036; (202)872-4600;
Estimated Completion Time:
Typically 4 years of full-time study
Total Credits Required:
128 credits minimum