Director: Ms. Anne Heinzeroth
A federal TRIO Program funded through the U.S. Department of Education, the Upward Bound Program at Saint Francis University has prepared over 2,500 disadvantaged high school students for the rigors of postsecondary education since 1966. Provided at no cost to participants, the program offers a wide variety of academic, career, cultural and social development activities for 110 high school students from Cambria County. Each participant must come from a low income family and/or be a potential first generation college student. In addition, students must attend a high school in the target area, be enrolled in the academic curriculum, and have a minimum academic G.P.A. of 77%. From September through May the students participate in Saturday follow-ups held on campus and tutorials held after school in their communities. Additional academic year activities include college visits, SAT cram sessions, FAFSA completion nights, and college fairs. In addition to SAT and college application fee waivers, the staff provides students with assistance completing their college and scholarship applications. During a six-week residential summer program students attend academic classes in math, lab sciences, composition, literature, foreign languages, and social sciences. Bridge students take Saint Francis University courses for credit. The program also sponsors daily tutorials, a work-study component, volunteer opportunities, and cultural events for students. The program’s postsecondary sending rate is 93% with 76% of alumni earning a degree within five years of high school graduation. Among the program’s alumni are physicians, engineers, educators, nurses, lawyers, business people, and physical therapists; they are employed by such companies as Alcoa, Chase Manhattan Bank, General Electric, Hewlett-Packard, and State Farm. The program is housed in Schwab Hall.