Feb 17, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Adult Degree and Continuing Studies

Director/ Associate Dean: Dr. Julie Barris

Continuing one’s academic journey is an exciting and fulfilling process. Adult Degree and Continuing Studies provides opportunities for lifelong learning for the adult learner. The University has offered adult education courses since 1973. We are located in Raymond Hall, 2nd floor and may be reached by phone at 814-472-3012 or by email at oce@francis.edu.

Academic Programs & Partnerships

Saint Francis University’s Adult Degree and Continuing Studies (ADCS) program offers a variety of programs for adult students to successfully earn a certificate, undergraduate degree, or post-baccalaureate certificate while balancing the demands of employment, family, and finances. In addition, we maximize students’ prior credits with our generous transfer credit policy and through our partnerships with various institutions including: Allegany College of Maryland, Cambria-Rowe Business College, Dubois Business College, Greater Altoona CTC, Greater Johnstown CTC, Greater Indiana CTC, Pennsylvania Highlands Community College, Pittsburgh Technical Institute, South Hills School of Business & Technology, Westmoreland County Community College, any PA TRAC community college partner, and other accredited institutions including military training credits. 

ADCS: Associate of Science Degrees

ADCS: Associate of Applied Science Degrees

ADCS: Bachelor Degrees

*Degree completion programs allow for up to 98 credits of transfer.

ADCS: Post-Baccalaureate Certificates

ADCS: Other Certificates

Course descriptions:  www.francis.edu/adcs-course-descriptions.

Profile of the Saint Francis University Adult Learner

The ADCS programs are designed primarily for women and men over the age of 23 who are seeking to enhance and develop their current profession, embark on a new career path, or resume their postsecondary study. The ADCS programs offered through Saint Francis University focus on the student who has full-time responsibilities on the job or in the home. Some students work part-time or may have been displaced from a job and are looking to retool. No matter the case, the ADCS office is here to serve the adult learner’s needs. The programs are offered on campus, online, or at off-campus locations convenient to the student and can be completed through evening and weekend studies.

Admissions Requirements

All programs through Adult Degree and Continuing Studies (ADCS) operate on a rolling admission basis. Students with prior college credit must have at least a 2.0 QPA (C average) to be considered for admission to the university. Those with no prior college coursework must have a high school diploma or GED with average grades of a C or higher. Individuals interested in applying for admission to any undergraduate program offered through the Adult Degree and Continuing Studies program must submit the following materials to the ADCS:

  1. Completed Application Form online at http://francis.edu/adcs-application-process
  2. One letter of Recommendation (from a non-family member)
  3. Official high school transcript or evidence of GED, if no prior college level work
  4. Official transcripts for all post-secondary study
  5. Current resume

The application for admission will not be processed until all materials have been received. Credit evaluation of courses taken at other accredited colleges will be completed once all transcripts have been received. Documents received by Saint Francis University become the property of the University and will not be returned to students. Copies of the documents will be made only for internal University business.

For those Currently in the Military Service

The Military Affairs Office on campus educates veteran-students on Federal and State programs that are in place to assist with funding an education. Further information is available in the Admissions section of this catalog.

International ADCS Admission Requirements

For those adult students who meet the English language proficiency requirement:

  1. Online ADCS application
  2. Official academic records (transcripts, certificates, diplomas, mark sheets) with certified English translations. Transcripts must be translated by the high school or an international credential evaluating agency. World Education Services is recommended.
  3. International students whose native language is not English must submit proof of English language proficiency. The following are ways in which you can satisfy the language proficiency requirement: TOEFL, IELTS, iTEP, EIKEN or PTE Academic Scores or IB score of 5 or higher on the English A 1 or 2 exams
  4. Letter of Recommendation
  5. Current resume
  6. Affidavit of Financial Support
  7. Proof of Financial Backing
  8. Passport: Please provide a clear, readable copy of the identification page of your passport
  9. International Student Transfer Release Form (if currently studying in the USA)


Students previously in attendance through ADCS at Saint Francis University who have interrupted their studies for financial or personal reasons do not need to submit another application form unless they have stopped out or had been withdrawn from the University for five years or more. Prior students wanting to continue their studies should contact ADCS for reactivation of their credentials or for more information. ADCS will process their request for readmission through the Provost’s Office and other departments as appropriate.

Students who are academically dismissed from the University may not reapply for admission for at least one calendar year, at which time the Academic Standing Committee will determine whether re-admission is granted or not. Further details can be found in the Academic Policy section of this catalog.

Locations and Formats

Saint Francis University offers adult education courses and programs at the campus in Loretto, at the South Hills School of Business & Technology in Altoona, at the Cambria-Rowe Business College in Johnstown, at the South Hills School of Business & Technology in State College, and online. Courses range from 15 week, one evening a week to online accelerated 7 week or Saturday, accelerated 7-week courses. The accelerated courses are offered in two modules per semester so students can take classes module I and module II to maximize their time and credit generation. There are other course offerings and options during the summer session as well. Our courses fit every adult’s busy lifestyle!


Faculty who teach in the ADCS programs bring to the classroom a unique background of exceptional academic qualifications and practical business experience. Many ADCS instructors also teach in the daytime programs at the University. Others are adjunct faculty from the local educational and professional communities.

College in High School

In response to requests by area school districts, Saint Francis University has developed a program to offer selected and approved college courses to eligible students in the high school setting. Courses are approved by Saint Francis faculty and taught by high school teachers. Credits earned through the program are accepted by Saint Francis University and most other colleges or universities upon graduation. Students may also register to take college courses at Saint Francis University by registering as a non-degree, non-university student. Permission is granted by the instructor and Adult Degree and Continuing studies Office. For more information, please call ADCS at 814-472-3012 or email us at oce@francis.edu.

Summer Classes / Summer Session

 Regularly scheduled undergraduate courses are offered during the summer under the direction of the ADCS office. The classes are scheduled in one-, three-, six- and seven-week formats, as well as online, to meet the needs of both day division and evening division students who wish to accelerate their degree, make up deficiencies, or ease their academic coursework load during the regular academic year. Summer classes are held on the main campus in Loretto and online. Classes are taught by many of the full-time faculty as well as some of the experienced adjuncts.

Students in the regular undergraduate division of Saint Francis University whose programs require summer coursework or clinical experiences, and those who wish to enroll in an internship, independent study, or tutorial during the summer should contact their academic advisor and the ADCS office for Summer School registration information. Also visit: http://francis.edu/adcs-course-schedule/.

Students enrolled in graduate programs should contact their respective program director for Summer School information.

Academic Policies:

Academic Advising

Each ADCS student is assigned one of our experienced Adult Degree & Continuing Studies advisors who will assist with scheduling and questions and concerns. Advising can be done via telephone, via email or in person.

Transfer of Credit

  1. A student may transfer credits from other institutions or programs such as Advanced Placement Tests, CLEP, PEP, and Armed Forces Course Equivalencies. Such credits do not count toward the student’s quality point average at Saint Francis University. A course for which no credit is given at the original institution cannot be transferred for credit at Saint Francis University. Developmental, review, or remedial courses are not transferrable.
  2. A matriculating student who wishes to take a course from another institution must obtain permission to do so prior to enrolling in the course. Necessary forms are available in the Office of the Registrar or Adult Degree & Continuing Studies. Transfer credit will not be granted if the student fails to obtain approval prior to taking the course. A student who is on academic probation is not authorized to enroll in courses at other institutions.
  3. At least sixty-four (64) credits of study must be completed at Saint Francis University for a student to be eligible for a bachelor’s degree such as Accounting and Management, except those students studying for a second bachelor’s degree (32 credits are required for a second degree, if coming back to complete a second degree), the degree completion programs offered through the office of Adult Degree & Continuing Studies (BSOL, CSM, MLS & HCM), or a teaching certificate. A minimum of 30 credits must be taken at Saint Francis University to earn a degree through the degree completion programs, so up to 98 credits may transfer into the degree completion programs. The last thirty (30) of those credits must be taken at Saint Francis University.
  4. Candidates for the Associate of Applied Science Degree program must fulfill appropriate degree requirements. At least twenty-seven (27) credits of study must be completed at Saint Francis University for a student to be eligible for an Associate of Applied Science degree. The University will accept a maximum of nine (9) credits of a combination of transfer courses and CLEP examinations, in addition to 27 credits awarded in a prescribed technical curriculum from the partner institution.
  5. Candidates for the Associate of Science Degree program must fulfill appropriate degree requirements. At least thirty-three (33) credits of study must be completed at Saint Francis University for a student to be eligible for an Associate of Science degree. The University will accept a maximum of thirty (30) credits of a combination of transfer courses and CLEP examinations. The last eighteen (18) of those credits must be taken at Saint Francis University.
  6. CLEP and DSST test scores must be submitted prior to the final semester. No tests can be taken in the final semester. Special permission must be obtained through the office of Adult Degree & Continuing Studies to transfer in a test score in the final thirty (30) credits.
  7. A matriculated student follows the requirements of the catalog for the year that they were matriculated.
  8. Only grades of C or higher can be transferred in to Saint Francis University.
  9. All transfer credits will be converted to semester hours. Any transfer credits obtained in a quarter hour will be converted. The conversion rate will be three (3) quarter hour credits will be equal to two (2) semester hour credits.
  10. Half of the credits for a major or a minor must be completed at Saint Francis University.
  11. Second degree students will have the core honored from their first degree. Students who already hold a degree and want to complete a second degree will be required to complete a minimum of thirty two (32) credits and at least half of the major.


Registration is held for current students at an announced date preceding the end of each semester. Course schedules are distributed and made available to students approximately one month prior to the opening of registration. Students should consult with their ADCS advisor prior to registering. Students are to use the online registration system through my.francis.edu. The Registration Agreement needs to be read and submitted each term and prior to registration. For more information about registration, refer to the Registration section under Academic Policies.

Course Load

There is no set amount of credits that each adult student should take, but the standard rule for college work is that for every one contact hour for a course, the student is expected to do three hours of work on their own (reading, homework, research).

Students just starting to take courses, or resuming their coursework after an absence, are advised to take only one or two courses their first semester. After the initial semester, most students take between two to three courses, however, some adult students are full time taking two courses per module. Students receiving financial aid must take at least six credits per semester to be considered part time.

Student may be non-degree and take up to 24 credits before they must declare a major or discontinue their studies, except for education certificates. Financial Aid may be impacted if you are non-degree and not fully accepted or pursuing a degree.

Schedule Changes

Students should consult with their ADCS advisor before making changes to their schedule via my.francis.edu. For an 8-week or less face-to-face or online course, the drop/add period is up to the start date of the course. For a 15-week course face-to-face or online, the drop/add period is through the 7th day of the semester (first week of classes). ADCS courses can be added or dropped by the student him/herself through my.francis.edu up to one week before a course starts. After that, and up to the start of the course, a student must contact the ADCS office in writing to add or drop a course.

Course Waivers and Substitutions

Students wishing to request waivers or substitutions of courses required for their degrees may get the proper forms from the ADCS office.

Change of Major

The Change of Major form is available on my.francis.edu under current students, student academic forms link. It is the student’s responsibility to work with the ADCS office in order to obtain all necessary signatures prior to the new major being assigned. The student’s program of study in the new major will be governed by the Saint Francis University catalog in effect when the change of major process is completed.

Class Attendance Regulations

ADCS students are expected to attend all classes or log in and participate in online classes as scheduled as an academic obligation. Students’ grades are based on prompt completion of all assignments, presence for all examinations, reading of the required references, and participation in class discussions or on Blackboard as well as on the general quality of work. Instructors have no inherent obligation to provide make-up opportunities for an absence unless, in their judgment, the reason for the absence warrants such consideration. It is imperative that you inform the instructor at the earliest possible opportunity of any classes that will be missed so that appropriate arrangements can be made and that the work and instructional hours can be made up.

Every instructor maintains a record of attendance and has a right to determine the importance of any absences a student may incur during the course insofar as the absence affects the student’s performance and achievement in class, the taking of examinations, class participation, laboratory work, or any other factor considered by the instructor in determining the grade a student will receive. All course work must be completed with the last meeting of the class.

After the instructors have explained the standards and requirements during the first meetings of a class or online through Blackboard, the student is responsible for successful completion of the course based on these criteria.

Online courses, while not meeting in person, still require students to log in a few times each week, participate in discussions or other relevant learning sessions (chats, Collaborate, etc.), and to submit papers, quizzes, and other assignments by the deadline and as instructed by the professor. Failure to log in or not participate does not constitute a withdrawal. See Withdrawal Policy.

Attendance at accelerated courses (7- or 8-week formats) is mandatory and students may be penalized for missing a class. If you know that you have to miss a class during an accelerated course, you must inform the ADCS office prior to registering for the class and you must communicate with your instructor ahead of time to be sure of his/her policy and the work that needs made up.

If students absent themselves excessively from consecutive classes, the absences are reported to the Director of Adult Degree & Continuing Studies. Once reported, efforts will be made to intervene with the student to accommodate any reasons the student might not be attending classes. The University attempts to maintain a safe, positive, and nurturing atmosphere to help every individual student succeed. If, after intervention, the student continues a pattern of chronic absenteeism, then he or she shall be subjected to immediate dismissal from the University.
Students reporting late for class may be denied admission by the instructor and be recorded as absent. Students not participating in an online class and not withdrawing appropriately will earn the appropriate grade as determined by the instructor.

After the final class enrollment lists have been processed, interested students may attend any class in which they are not registered with the permission of the instructor. Students so attending will not be subject to extra tuition or audit fees. No student may attend a class on this basis at a time when he or she is regularly scheduled for a class in which he or she is registered.

Final Examinations

Final examinations are held in all courses at the end of each semester and all students are required to take all examinations.

A student absent from a final examination because of serious illness or other equally grave reason will receive the grade of “CN” or “I.” A contract form for the grade of “CN,” available in the Registrar’s Office or from the ADCS office, must be completed by the faculty members and the student.

Permission for taking a special final examination must be secured from the Associate Provost.

Academic Honors

ADCS students may qualify for honors as outlined in the University Academic Honors section in Academic Policies.

Change of Name or Address

The ADCS office is to be informed immediately of the change of an ADCS student’s home address and/or change of a student’s name.

Appealing a Grade

The process for appealing a grade can be found in the Academic Policies. For guidance on the process, contact the director of ADCS.

Withdrawal from a Course

All withdrawals and requests for refunds must be made in writing and will be calculated according to the email time stamp (oce@francis.edu) of when it was delivered to the Office of Adult Degree and Continuing Studies. An individual will be charged a tuition penalty according to the following schedule:

Online 7 Week Class
0% prior to the start date of the first class
50% up to seven days after the start date of class
75% up to 14 days after the start date of class
After 15 days after the start date of class, no reduction will be given

7 Week In Class
0% prior to the start of the first class
50% up to the start of the second class
75% up to the start of the third class
After the third class, no reduction will be given

15 Week Class
0% prior to the start of the second class
50% up to the start of the fourth class
75% up to the start of the sixth class
After the sixth class, no reduction will be given

Online 15 Week Class
0% prior to the start date of the first class
50% up to seven days after the start date of the class
75% up to 14 days after the start date of the class
After 15 days after the start date for the class, no reduction will be given

Classes that meet less than 7 weeks will not receive a reduction.

Withdrawal Grades

  1. The grade for a class from which a student withdraws will be a “W” if the class is dropped prior to completion of 70% of the class meetings (or calendar duration) has taken place.
  2. The grade will be an “F” if the course is dropped after 70% of the class meetings (or calendar duration) has taken place.

PLEASE NOTE: All schedule changes must be in writing. Phone call or messages are not accepted under any circumstances.

Maryland Residents: Students residing in Maryland who are enrolled in distance education courses/programs through Saint Francis University, are subject to the Refund Policy for Distance Education posted in the University Catalog.

Withdrawal from the University

It is recommended that students contemplating withdrawal from the University first discuss this question and concern with their ADCS advisor. If students decide to withdraw, the Career Services’ staff is available to assist students in clarifying their career goals. Students must complete the withdrawal form available from ADCS.

Withdrawal Procedures due to Military Service

ADCS students called to active duty as reservists should provide a copy of their military order to the ADCS office. Copies of this order will be forwarded to the Business Office, Financial Aid Office, and the Office of Veterans Affairs.

Students who request a full semester withdrawal will receive a full refund of tuition and fees.

If a substantial part of the semester has been completed at the time the student receives deployment orders, the student may make arrangements with Faculty to complete his/her academic responsibilities for the semester and apply for a “CN” grades according to the procedure described in the University catalog.

Students who receive university-issued laptop computers are required to return the computers at the time they leave to fulfill their military obligation.

Students who complete their active military duty and request re-admission to the university will be automatically re-admitted with all admission fees waived. The student’s academic standing at the time of re-admission shall remain as it was prior to the call to active military duty.
This policy also includes military dependents whose families must move due to redeployment and/or relocation.

Additional Academic Policies

For information on other policies governing an ADCS student including FERPA, Grading System, Auditing Classes, Class Standing, Academic Standing, General Requirements for Graduation, Credit-by-Examination Policy, Suspensions from Class, A Second Bachelor’s Degree, General Regulations for Academic Minors, Transfer of Outside Courses into Saint Francis University, Repeating courses, Transcript Service, and Institutional Review Board, refer to the Academic Policies section in this catalog.