Oct 04, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog

Division of Professional Studies


Dean, Director of EdD program: Dr. Tricia McFadden 

Director of Academic & Student Affairs: Mrs. Sherri Link 

At the Division of Professional Studies, we know that online learning can be a challenge while working, raising a family, and other life responsibilities. That is why we offer a variety of courses and programs to fit your educational needs just when you need it. Our lifelong learning framework allows you to complete an entire degree program, take a few courses to get that next job or promotion, or just to learn a new skill. Most Division of Professional Studies courses are accelerated format. We offer two learning sessions or starts per semester and a winter term to help you get through your programs faster.

Continuing one’s academic journey is an exciting and fulfilling process. We know because all of the staff at Division of Professional Studies are lifelong learners just like you. We work, we have families, and we go to school. We know what you are going through. The University has offered adult education courses since 1973. We may be reached by phone at 1-800-457-6300 or by email at http://professionalstudies@francis.edu.

Academic Programs and Partnerships:

Division of Professional Studies (DPS) offers a variety of online programs for adult students to successfully earn a certificate, undergraduate degree, or graduate degree while balancing the demands of employment, family, and finances. In addition, we maximize students’ prior credits with our generous transfer credit policy and through our partnerships with various institutions, from community colleges not only in the local or regional area but out-of-state two-year colleges. We accept credits from any accredited institution plus special training including military credits.

See the following for more information:

Profile of the Saint Francis University Adult Learner:

The Division of Professional Studies programs are designed for students seeking to enhance and develop their current profession, embark on a new career path, or resume their postsecondary studies. The Division of Professional Studies programs offered through Saint Francis University primarily focus on the student who has full-time responsibilities on the job or in the home. Some students work part-time or may have been displaced from a job and are looking to retool. No matter the case, the Division of Professional Studies is here to serve the adult learner’s needs.

Admissions Requirements:

All programs through Division of Professional Studies operate on a rolling admission basis. Students with prior college credit must have at least a 2.0 GPA (C average) to be considered for admission to the University. Those with no prior college coursework must have a high school diploma or GED with average grades of a C or higher and may need to enroll in college readiness courses to determine their level of knowledge.

Individuals interested in applying for admission to any undergraduate program offered through the Division of Professional Studies must submit the following materials:

  • Completed Application Form online at https://www.francis.edu/professionalstudies
  • Official high school transcript or evidence of GED, if no prior college level work;
  • Official transcripts for all post-secondary study.

The application for admission will not be processed until all materials have been received. Credit evaluation of courses taken at other accredited colleges will be completed once all transcripts have been received. Documents received by Saint Francis University become the property of the University and will not be returned to students. Copies of the documents will be made only for internal University business.

Note: Individual programs may have additional admission criteria. Applicants should refer to the individual program page in this publication.

Application Deadline:

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

For those Currently in the Military Service:

The Office of Military Affairs educates veteran-students on Federal and State programs that are in place to assist with funding an education. Further information is available in the Admission to the University   of this catalog.

Applicants Located Outside of Pennsylvania:

Individuals located outside of Pennsylvania who are interested in applying for admission should consult the University’s State Authorization website for details.

International Applicants:

All students must follow the requirements for traditional, undergraduate admissions. Further information is available in the ​Admission to the University  of this catalog. 


Students previously in attendance through the Division of Professional Studies at Saint Francis University who have interrupted their studies for financial or personal reasons do not need to submit another application form unless they have stopped out or had been withdrawn from the University for one or more years. Prior students wanting to continue their studies should contact the Division of Professional Studies to re-apply.

Students who are academically dismissed from the University may not reapply for admission for at least one calendar year, at which time the Academic Standing Committee will determine whether re-admission is granted or not. Further details on Readmission can be found in the Academic Policy section of this catalog.

Students wishing to continue his/her education from the associate to bachelor’s degree should contact the Division of Professional Studies to complete the appropriate form at http://professionalstudies@francis.edu.

Fraud Prevention Measures:

Saint Francis University seeks to ensure the lawful distribution of state and federal financial aid resources to legitimate, qualified students.  In order to authenticate students’ eligibility for aid, the University must also ensure the validity of their personal and academic, or educational, information including, but not limited to: legal name, residence, email address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, proof and location of educational attainment whether high school diploma (or equivalent) and/or any college courses completed, and any relevant or required test scores for the purposes of determining admission or eligibility of financial aid in the form of scholarships and grants.  If any submitted documentation or information is suspected of fraudulent information/documentation, the University is responsible for investigating through any and all possible resources to determine the validity of the information or documentation provided.  The student will be notified immediately if fraud is suspected and will be informed that an investigation is underway. If fraud is finally determined, the student in question may be denied admission, may be denied financial aid, and may be reported to state or federal authorities.

Locations and Formats:

All Division of Professional Studies courses are online.  The accelerated courses are offered in two modules per semester so students can take classes module I and module II to maximize their time and credit generation. There are other course offerings and options during the winter and summer sessions as well.


Faculty who teach in the Division of Professional Studies programs bring to the classroom a unique background of exceptional academic qualifications and practical field-related experience. Many Division of Professional Studies instructors also teach in the traditional programs at the University. Others are adjunct faculty from the local educational and professional communities.

College in High School:

In response to requests by area school districts, Saint Francis University has developed a program to offer selected and approved college courses to eligible students in the high school setting. Courses are approved by Saint Francis faculty and taught by high school teachers. Credits earned through the program are accepted by Saint Francis University and most other colleges or universities upon graduation. Students may also register to take college courses at Saint Francis University by registering as a non-degree, non-university student. Permission is granted by the instructor and the Division of Professional Studies.

Career Development Series

The Career Development Series (CDS) provides high school students the opportunity to earn dual enrollment credit with SFU online courses along with other high school students.

Fall 2024

BIOL 105 Human Biology  

BUS 101 Wall Street 101: Business in a Global Society  

EDUC 231 Child Growth and Development  

ENGR 111 Introduction to Engineering and STEM  

PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology  

Spring 2025

BUSA 103 Advanced Excel with Business Applications  

MKTG 101 Marketing  

XXXX Medical Terminology 

PSYC 205 Psychopathology  

EDUC 150 Educational Psychology  

CHEM 105 Chemistry in the Community  

CPSC 101 Introduction to Computer Systems  


Billing for each CDS course will be at a discounted rate of $200 per credit, for a total of $600 per course, with no additional student or technical fees.

Students will be responsible for purchasing any required course materials.

Summer Classes / Summer Session:

Regularly scheduled undergraduate courses are offered during the summer under the direction of the Division of Professional Studies office. The classes are scheduled in modules to meet the needs of both traditional and online students who wish to accelerate their degree, make up deficiencies, or ease their academic course load during the regular academic year. Summer classes are held on the main campus in Loretto and online. Classes are taught by full-time faculty as well as experienced adjuncts.

Students in the traditional undergraduate division of Saint Francis University whose programs require summer coursework or clinical experiences, and those who wish to enroll in an internship, independent study, or a tutorial during the summer, should contact their academic advisor and the Division of Professional Studies for summer registration information. 

Students enrolled in a graduate program should contact their respective program director for summer registration information.

Academic Information for Division of Professional Studies students:

Academic Advising:

Each Division of Professional Studies student is assigned one of our experienced student success coaches’ who will assist with schedules, questions, and concerns. Advising can be done via telephone, via email or in person. See the Academic Policy section of this publication.

Transfer of Credit-Undergraduate:

Saint Francis University welcomes students at the undergraduate level who have earned college credits prior to matriculation. The University recognizes the experiences and achievements individual students have gained. Academic Student Success Coachs and counselors will guide individual students to maximize their learning opportunities in a flexible, supportive environment. Accordingly, this transfer credit policy describes the many opportunities individual students have to complete a Saint Francis University degree or credential and include credits or experiences completed elsewhere. 


This policy applies to students formally accepted and enrolled in an undergraduate program or a postsecondary or post-baccalaureate certificate program at Saint Francis University. 

Policy Statement: 

New and readmitted students who are formally accepted and enrolled in an associate or bachelor degree program, or a post-secondary or post-baccalaureate certificate program, may request transfer of credit for relevant courses previously completed at regionally-accredited post-secondary institutions. Transfer credits are also considered on a case-by-case basis from post-secondary institutions nationally accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Transfer credits will be awarded based on the similarity of course outcomes, rigor, content, length, and practical experiences where applicable. The transfer of credit must be completed in the student’s first semester and is subject to the approval of the relevant academic department chair, dean, the associate vice president for academic affairs, and the regulations of the Saint Francis University academic program in which the student is enrolled. 

Procedures to Request Transfer of Credit:

New, transfer or readmitted students must provide official transcripts to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions or Division of Professional Studies at the time they apply for admission. Students are responsible for providing any course descriptions or syllabi that may be requested for accurate evaluations to be made. Students may request transfer of credit from other institutions attended or sources such as College in High School, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and armed forces course equivalencies prior to their first semester. 

Matriculated students who wish to take a course at another institution and transfer credits to Saint Francis must: 

  • Obtain permission from the chair of the department offering the original course prior to enrolling in the course. Students will discuss the plan of study with their academic Student Success Coach prior to submitting the “Transfer Request Form” and the “Course Evaluation Form” available online at my.francis.edu. Granting of transfer credits requires the written approval of the relevant academic Student Success Coach or department chair, the relevant academic dean, and the vice president for academic affairs. Transfer credit will not be guaranteed if the student fails to obtain approval prior to taking the course. 
  • Be in good academic standing at Saint Francis University. Good standing is defined as: 
    • 30 or fewer credits attempted - cumulative G.P.A. at or above 1.800 
    • 31-59 credits attempted - cumulative G.P.A. at or above 1.900 
    • 60 or more credits attempted - cumulative G.P.A. at or above 2.000

A student not in good academic standing will not be authorized to enroll in courses at other institutions. 

  • Assume full responsibility to have the transfer institution provide an official transcript sent directly to the Saint Francis University Office of the Registrar immediately upon completion of the course. 

General Qualifications for Transfer Credit:

  • Relevant courses with grades of “C” or better (2.0 on 4.0 scale) completed at regionally-accredited post-secondary institutions will be considered. Transfer credits are also considered on a case-by-case basis from post-secondary institutions nationally accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.  (Courses with grades of “C-” that carry 2.0 quality points on a 4.0 scale may be considered.) 

  • Courses will be considered for transfer on a course-by-course basis. Applicability to the degree for which a student is a candidate and comparability to an existing Saint Francis University course may be used as factors for the acceptance or denial of transfer credit. 

  • Transfer credits are not used in the computation of the student’s grade point average at Saint Francis University. Credits transfer, grades and quality points do not. 

  • Transfer courses cannot be a major or collateral requirement for matriculated students (except those enrolled through Division of Professional Studies). Exceptions to this policy may be considered for matriculated students using the transfer credit form available on my.francis.edu. 

  • Transfer credits cannot be earned for courses already attempted and completed at Saint Francis University. 

  • Courses completed toward post-secondary certificate and diploma programs can be considered for transfer. 

  • Internships or practicum, developmental, review or remedial courses are not transferable. 

  • A course for which no credit is given at the original institution cannot be transferred for credit at Saint Francis University. However, the University may consider training completed for certification, workplace requirements, or other specialized training (e.g., continuing education units or CEUs) for conversion into academic credit for transfer toward a post-secondary or post-baccalaureate certificate or undergraduate degree if the training has been evaluated according to the ACE Guidelines, reviewed by the National College Credit Recommendation Service (CCRS), and does not duplicate credit already accepted in transfer. Eligible CEUs and specialized training hours are converted via a formula that considers 14 hours of training/education to equal a single academic credit hour. 

  • Students who, upon admission, transfer 28 or more credits including a two-semester, six-credit sequence in college-level English composition classes (excluding Advanced Placement and CLEP credits) will be exempt from WRIT 102, Research Writing. 

  • Students, upon enrollment, may transfer a successfully completed research-based writing course from an accredited college or university in lieu of WRIT 102, Research Writing. (This does not include College in High School courses.) 

  • Except by permission of the appropriate department chair, FTAE105 must be completed at Saint Francis University. 

  • Transfer institutions outside the United States must be recognized as degree granting institutions by their home country. A course-by-course evaluation of all foreign university transcripts by an independent service based in the United States is required for international transfer students. 

  • Transfer credits become applicable to a Saint Francis University degree program or certificate program only after the student has been admitted as a degree-seeking student or admitted to the certificate program. 


  • Bachelor’s Degree: At least 36 credits must be completed at Saint Francis University for a student to be eligible for a bachelor’s degree, except those students studying for a second bachelor’s degree (see Second Bachelor’s Degree policy) or enrolled in a degree completion program through. The last 36 credits must be completed at Saint Francis University. 
  • Degree Completion Programs: Students enrolled in a degree completion program may transfer up to 98 credits to Saint Francis University. The last 30 credits must be completed at Saint Francis University. 
  • Associate of Applied Science Degree: At least 27 credits must be completed at Saint Francis University. A maximum of 9 credits (combination of transfer courses and credits by means of credit by examination, e.g., AP, CLEP, IB) will be accepted for transfer in addition to 27 credits awarded in a prescribed technical curriculum from the partner institution. 
  • Associate of Science Degree: At least 33 credits must be completed at Saint Francis University. A maximum of 30 credits (combination of transfer courses and credits by means of credit by examination, e.g., AP, CLEP, IB) will be accepted for transfer. The last 18 credits must be completed at Saint Francis University. 
  • Post-secondary Certificate Program: At least 15 credits must be completed at Saint Francis University. A maximum of 15 credits (combination of transfer courses and credits by means of credit by examination, e.g., AP, CLEP, IB) will be accepted for transfer. The Post-secondary Business Certificate program requires at least half of the business core requirements to be completed at Saint Francis University. 
  • Post-baccalaureate Certificate Program: At least 15 credits must be completed at Saint Francis University. A maximum of 9 credits (combination of transfer courses and credits by means of credit by examination, e.g., AP, CLEP, IB) will be accepted for transfer (except for the Early Childhood Education Post-Baccalaureate Certificate program which accepts up to 30 transfer credits.) 

Credit by Examination:

Saint Francis University offers several credit by examination options such as Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Credit earned by examination may be used to satisfy requirements in the same manner as the college courses which the tests replace or as the academic department concerned might specify. Credit earned by examination will not be awarded for the same course more than once. Equivalencies and other requirements for the credit by examination options are outlined in the University’s Credit by Examination policy. 

Military Credit:

Saint Francis University uses the American Council on Education’s Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services to assess how to transfer military credits to Saint Francis. In general, military courses must be similar to a Saint Francis undergraduate course and applicable to an undergraduate degree program to transfer to Saint Francis. 

Students seeking to transfer military credits to Saint Francis University should request their official transcript from Joint Services Transcript (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard) or the Community College of the Air Force (Air Force). 

Articulation Agreements:

The University has established articulation (transfer) agreements with other institutions to encourage and facilitate transfer for students from other institutions to Saint Francis University. Such agreements are administered by the Office of Academic Affairs. Articulation agreements may include transfer course guides. Any exceptions to other University academic and administrative policies are addressed in the articulation agreement. The University’s current articulation agreements are provided on the University’s web site. 

Conversion of Credit:

U.S. colleges and universities that operate on a quarter system award quarter credit. Saint Francis University operates on a semester system and awards semester credit. To convert credit hours from the quarter system to the semester system, multiply the number of quarter hours by 2/3 (or .67).  For example, 3 quarter credit hours would be converted to 2 semester credit hours (3 x .67 = 2). 

Transfer Credit Appeal:

For newly enrolled students, initial transferability decisions are made by the the Center for Academic Success. The Center for Academic Success and First-Year Experience facilitates the transfer credit process for returning enrolled students. Any questions about policy or individual transfer credit evaluations should be directed to the transfer evaluator.  

If a student wishes to challenge the Transfer of Credit policy or the application of the policy, then the appeal must be submitted in writing to the Center for Academic Success. The transfer evaluator will examine the appeal to determine if the policy was appropriately applied to yield the initial evaluation. When challenging a course equivalency, the student may be asked to provide a course syllabus which gives more detail than a catalog description. The appeal will be denied when it is determined that the policy was appropriately applied. An appropriate correction will be issued if the policy was misapplied. Appeals denied may be appealed to the Vice President for Academic Affairs who will issue a final decision. 

  • Center for Academic Success: (814) 472-3024 
  • Office of Academic Affairs: (814) 472-3004 

Transfer of Saint Francis University Courses to Other Institutions:

Saint Francis University cannot guarantee that its courses and credits will transfer to other institutions. The transfer of courses and credits is determined by the receiving institution.


Students should consult with their advisor prior to registering. Students are to use the online registration system through my.francis.edu. The Registration Agreement needs to be read and submitted each term and prior to registration. For more information about registration, refer to the Registration section under Academic Policy  .

Course Load:

There is no set amount of credits that each adult student should take, but the standard rule for college work is that for every one contact hour for a course, the student is expected to do three hours of work on their own (reading, homework, research).

Students just starting to take courses, or resuming their coursework after an absence, are advised to take only one or two courses their first semester. After the initial semester, most students take between two to three courses, however, some adult students are full time taking two courses per module. Students receiving financial aid must take at least six credits per semester to be considered part time.

Students may be non-degree and take up to 24 credits before they must declare a major or discontinue their studies, except for education certification. Financial Aid may be impacted if you are non-degree and not fully accepted or pursuing a degree.

Schedule Changes:

Students should consult with their Student Success Coach before making changes to their schedule via my.francis.edu. For an 8-week or less face-to-face or online course, the drop/add period is up to the start date of the course. For a 16-week course face-to-face or online, the drop/add period is through the 7th day of the semester (first week of classes). Division of Professional Studies courses can be added or dropped by the student him/herself through my.francis.edu up to one week before a course starts. After that, and up to the start of the course, a student must contact their advisor in writing to add or drop a course.  NOTE: There may be financial implications related to dropping or withdrawing a course. Please contact your academic advisor for more information. 

Course Waivers and Substitutions:

Students wishing to request waivers or substitutions of courses required for their degrees may get the proper forms from the Division of Professional Studies.

Change of Major:

The Change of Major form is available on my.francis.edu under current students, student academic forms link. It is the student’s responsibility to work with their advisor in order to obtain all necessary signatures prior to the new major being assigned. The student’s program of study in the new major will be governed by the Saint Francis University catalog in effect when the change of major process is completed.

Undergraduate students may request that their major be changed or a major be added as long as approval is given from the receiving department chairperson and dean. The Change of Major form is available online at My.Francis.Edu. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain all necessary signatures prior to returning the completed form to the Office of the Registrar. The student’s program of study in the new major will be governed by the Saint Francis University catalog in effect when the change of major process is completed.

Students should be aware of departmental entrance criteria for the major in which they are interested and must understand that there is no guarantee of admission into the new major.

Class Attendance Regulations:

Division of Professional Studies students are expected to attend all classes or log in and participate in online classes as scheduled as an academic obligation. Students’ grades are based on prompt completion of all assignments, presence for all examinations, reading of the required references, and participation in class discussions or in Canvas as well as on the general quality of work. Instructors have no inherent obligation to provide make-up opportunities for an absence unless, in their judgment, the reason for the absence warrants such consideration. It is imperative that students inform the instructor at the earliest possible opportunity of any classes that will be missed so that appropriate arrangements can be made and that the work and instructional hours can be made up.

Every instructor maintains a record of attendance and has a right to determine the importance of any absences a student may incur during the course insofar as the absence affects the student’s performance and achievement in class, the taking of examinations, class participation, laboratory work, or any other factor considered by the instructor in determining the grade a student will receive. All course work must be completed with the last meeting of the class.

After the instructors have explained the standards and requirements during the first meetings of a class or online through Canvas, the student is responsible for successful completion of the course based on these criteria.

Online courses, while not meeting in person, still require students to log in a few times each week, participate in discussions or other relevant learning sessions (chats, Wikis, etc.), and to submit papers, quizzes, and other assignments by the deadline and as instructed by the professor. Failure to log in or not participate may result in an unofficial withdrawal that could impact financial aid. See Withdrawal Policy.

Attendance at accelerated courses is mandatory and students may be penalized for missing a class. If you know that you have to miss a class during an accelerated course, you must inform the  office prior to registering for the class and you must communicate with your instructor ahead of time to be sure of his/her policy and the work that needs made up.

If students absent themselves excessively from consecutive classes, the absences are reported to the Academic Advisor. Once reported, efforts will be made to intervene with the student to accommodate any reasons the student might not be attending classes. The University attempts to maintain a safe, positive, and nurturing atmosphere to help every individual student succeed. If, after intervention, the student continues a pattern of chronic absenteeism, then he or she shall be subjected to immediate dismissal from the University.

Students reporting late for class may be denied admission by the instructor and be recorded as absent. Students not participating in an online class and not withdrawing appropriately will earn the appropriate grade as determined by the instructor.

Final Examinations:

Final examinations are held in all courses at the end of each semester and all students are required to take all examinations.

A student absent from a final examination because of serious illness or other equally grave reason will receive the grade of “CN” or “I.” A contract form for the grade of “CN,” available in the Registrar’s Office or from the Division of Professional Studies office, must be completed by the faculty members and the student.

Permission for taking a special final examination must be secured from the Vice President of Academic Affairs. 

Academic Honors:

Division of Professional Studies students may qualify for honors as outlined in the University Academic Honors section in Academic Policy  . Students enrolled in degree completion programs in the Division of Professional Studies who have completed at least 48 credits at Saint Francis University with a cumulative QPA of at least 3.50 are eligible for the designation of “Honors in Continuing Education”. 

Change of Name or Address:

The Registrar is to be informed immediately of the change of a student’s home address and/or change of a student’s name. 

Appealing a Grade:

The process for appealing a grade can be found in the Academic Policy . For guidance on the process, contact your academic advisor at Division of Professional Studies.

Withdrawal from a Course:

All withdrawals and requests for refunds must be made in writing and will be calculated according to the email time stamp (http://professionalstudies@francis.edu) that it was delivered to the Division of Professional Studies office.  An individual will receive a tuition refund for a course withdrawal according to the following schedule:


Accelerated Online Module Courses 

100% before or during the first week of class

After week one, no refund will be given.


Full Semester Online Courses

100% before or during the first seven business days of the semester

After seven business days, no refund will be given.


Grade record for withdrawal policy

(the grade policy is in no way connected to the financial penalty policy)


In the case of withdrawal after the first week of class, a grade of “W” will be recorded on the transcript based on the following institutional formula:          

 PLEASE NOTE:  All schedule changes must be in writing to Division of Professional Studies. Phone calls and/or messages are not accepted under any circumstances.


Maryland Residents: Students residing in Maryland who are enrolled in distance education courses/programs through Saint Francis University, are subject to the Refund Policy for Distance Education posted in the University Catalog.

Withdrawal from the University:

It is recommended that students contemplating withdrawal from the University first discuss this question with their academic advisor. If students decide to withdraw, the Office of Career Services is available to assist them in clarifying and reaching their future goals. Information and counseling are available regarding transferring to other institutions as well as assistance in reaching new occupational objectives.

Withdrawal Procedures:

Students who need to withdraw from Saint Francis University are required to complete an official withdrawal form from the Center for Academic Success (CAS). This form will then be signed by the director of CAS (or designee) and sent to various offices at the University. The official withdrawal process includes the completion of the official withdrawal form, clearing of all financial obligations, and returning the laptop.

Students considering withdrawal from the University should be aware that they are subject to the regulations governing withdrawal from courses. Therefore, if students withdraw from Saint Francis University after the official date for dropping a course, they will receive a grade of “F” for all courses carried that semester. If a student can show just cause (illness or family emergency), the student may in consultation with the instructor, apply for a grade of “CN” or “W” for any course from which he or she withdrew. If such arrangements are not made by the student, the “F” grade will apply. As usual, the “F” grade in this instance is calculated in the student’s grade point average.

If a student requests a leave of absence for the semester or year, he or she will complete the official withdrawal process. When the student is ready to return to the University, he or she will contact the Office of Admissions and request to reactivate their studies. Any student who withdraws from the University may request to be re-admitted by contacting the Office of Admissions.

Please refer to “Financial Information” and “Refunds” for information on financial refunds in the case of withdrawals.

It is recommended that students contemplating withdrawal from the University first discuss this question and concern with their advisor. If students decide to withdraw, the Career Services’ staff is available to assist students in clarifying their career goals. Students must complete the withdrawal form available from Division of Professional Studies.

Withdrawal Procedures due to Military Service:

Students called to active duty as reservists should provide a copy of their military order to the Registrar and the Division of Professional Studies. Copies of this order will be forwarded to the Business Office, Office of Financial Aid, and the Office of Veterans Affairs.

If a substantial part of the semester has been completed at the time the student receives deployment orders, the student may make arrangements with faculty to complete his/her academic responsibilities for the semester and apply for a “CN” grades according to the procedure described in the University catalog. 

Students who complete their active military duty and request re-admission to the University will be automatically re-admitted with all admission fees waived. The student’s academic standing at the time of re-admission shall remain as it was prior to the call to active military duty.

This policy also includes military dependents whose families must move due to redeployment and/or relocation.

Additional Academic Policies:

For information on other policies governing a Division of Professional Studies student including FERPA, Grading System, Auditing Classes, Class Standing, Academic Standing, General Requirements for Graduation, Credit-by-Examination Policy, Suspensions from Class, A Second Bachelor’s Degree, General Regulations for Academic Minors, Transfer of Outside Courses into Saint Francis University, Repeating courses, Transcript Service, and Institutional Review Board, refer to the Academic Policy   section in this catalog.

Online Undergraduate Programs

Associate of Science
Associate of Applied Science 
  • Healthcare Studies, AAS (Online)  
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science


Skill Builder Certificates 

